ppnt gdynia | design centre

Sustainable Design Mindset

The strongest motivation for designers is to positively impact the surrounding reality. Promoting this way of thinking and acting can help raise ecological awareness and increase concern for the planet.

Designers are already implementing the Sustainable Design Mindset. However, in order to bring visible results, it is necessary to act on a larger scale. It’s time to teach it to as many people as possible.

In a global climate crisis, nobody asks WHETHER to seek change, only HOW to do it and as might be expected, designers are at the heart of this discussion.
It's been known for years that people who work in design have a unique set of predispositions, i.e. Design Mindset. It’s been described in various ways by researchers, theorists, and design practitioners. These data can serve as a tool to study the level of development and use of individual predispositions in non-designers. To some extent, all people have a Design Mindset, regardless of their profession. And in order to take care of our planet’s well-being, we need to strengthen certain predispositions in each of us.

● Find out what Design Mindset is and what it can do for the company’s organizational culture.
● See which features of Design Mindset can potentially increase concern for the planet.
● Learn how to introduce Sustainable Design Mindset to your employees and business partners.