ppnt gdynia | design centre

Product (re)discovery

Let’s go through the process of unveiling and designing a business model and offer that fits the assumptions of circular economy and consumer expectations. Let’s analyse the case study of cooperation between Ergodesign, a consulting and design company and its client – a pioneer in implementing circular economy assumptions into its business.

“Everything that can be invented has already been invented.” Charles H. Duell (U.S. Patent Office Commissioner, 1899)

Most of the people’s problems and needs have already been met. We even have too many products and services that respond to them. What about the needs of the planet and other “non-human” stakeholders? 
Considering the upcoming legislative changes, the need for ESG compliance and changing consumer expectations, a redefinition of the business model and offers of many companies will be necessary. The goal is not always to define it from scratch. Sometimes it’s about redefining what we already know. “Re” also because any solution operating within a circular economy is about rethinking it, including repairing, reusing, refurbishing, and recycling.

Therefore, we no longer think only of the product! We think about the whole system – the compatibility of the product and/or its elements, components, and materials at the level of the entire offer. We wonder what actions (e.g., of partner companies or users) we need to ensure a long-life cycle and its least harmful end.

The lecture will be based on a case study of cooperation between Ergodesign, a consulting and design company and its client – a pioneer in implementing circular economy assumptions into its business.

• Find out how to redefine your offer and search for value for new groups of recipients based on circular economy assumptions.
• Look at a product’s life cycle from the consumer’s perspective and the search for value at every stage.
• Learn to think through a whole system of products, components, and services to maximise value utilisation.